Thinking of buying a second hand C-Evo

Der BMW C - Evolution - Elektrosooter im allgemeinen.
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Registriert: Di 5. Apr 2016, 16:29
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Motorrad Scooter: C650GT

Thinking of buying a second hand C-Evo

Beitrag von Swiss » Di 5. Apr 2016, 17:36

Hi guys and apologies first for writing in English.

I'm just in the dilemma of chosing whether to buy a second hand CEVO or a new CEVO...what I know is that I will buy one :)
Main concerns I would have are:
- Battery degradation throughout the years. They are guaranteed for 5 years so nobody has been able to reach that mark but... have you guys seen any degradation yourselves since bought them? If affirmative is it less range? longer charging times?
- Kms in the ODO: what's the maximum kms you have seen in the Odometer of a CEVO? I'm not concerned here with the autonomy but the number of kms it may last during its expected lifespan or for example 7 years. The reason why I say that is because I've seen one I do like with 6500kms already.

Is there anyway to check the health of a battery? If I buy a Demo C-EVO I would like to know if the battery is 100% in shape but without the OBD interface I don't see how.

Many thanks guys in advance!

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Registriert: Mo 2. Apr 2012, 22:15
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Motorrad Scooter: CE 04 (15kW)

Re: Thinking of buying a second hand C-Evo

Beitrag von Romiman » Di 5. Apr 2016, 19:28

I think, all C-Evos are that young, so the degradation of the battery will be no issue until now. If you can afford a new one, take this.

Greetings from Germany

Unglaublich: Roller, made in Germany!

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Registriert: Fr 24. Jul 2015, 10:23
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Motorrad Scooter: c-Evolution

Re: Thinking of buying a second hand C-Evo

Beitrag von Lumpf67 » Di 5. Apr 2016, 23:45

my Evo is now 2 years old (1 year in my hand). I have now about 12500km on the odometer. In the winter time i had the feeling that the capacity was about 10% less than usual. But now ( for example last weekend) the usage was like last year.
If it is worth, to by a scooter with up to 6500 km? From my point of view, this depends on the price. 2 years and the amount of km doesn't make this scooter old. The warranty of 5 years on the battery doesnt necessarily mean then the battery is broken directly afterwards. I think i remember for the BMW i3 something about 150000 km with 70% capacity. So, i hope that i will have lots of fun with my scooter.

I hope BMW will keep a focus in E-scooter. The EVO is genius, but nevertheless the range and some feature we have on our wishlist will look fine on a version II rauch

KR Lumpf67
BMW c-Evolution, PV zum Eigenverbrauch 4 KWp. Backup 6,9 kWh im Keller
